terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2020

Ecolize Yourself, Ep.1 IMPACT on your ENVIRONMENT, by pjp, PJP.ECOLUTION

Hi Beautiful People,

Today I´m realeasing a new vídeo, in this case the first vídeo/reflection of the series ECOLIZE Yourself, in wich the goal is to influence in positive way behaviors and habits so that we can have a more conscient and ecologic life style
Ecolize Yourself, Ep.1 IMPACT on your ENVIRONMENT, by pjp, PJP.ECOLUTION

If you find it somehow interesting and useful to other people, I will be very grateful if you give me your LIKE and Subscribe my page and channels … and, of course, if you can share it within your contacts and friends

Comments and suggestions of future reflexion issues are also very welcomed.

Thank you

Is a project developed by Pedro Jorge Pereira in the fields of ecology, personal and communitary evolution and transformation, civic and social consciousness among others

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